Comments on: How to absolutely, positively get seed funding every single time Thoughts on Tech Startups and Venture Capital Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:50:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Why Founder-Market Fit is so important | Alex Iskold Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:31:38 +0000 […] of your parents it is your investors who are paying for your education. And the investors typically don’t like that. Experience is particularly important in b2b space, where domain knowledge is critical. Without […]


By: bookmarkbuilder Mon, 11 Apr 2016 23:06:38 +0000 What a great timely post, thank you


By: Alex Iskold Mon, 14 Mar 2016 15:27:27 +0000 I get it and I am not saying it makes sense. Just saying that this is how some people approach it.


By: Alex Iskold Mon, 14 Mar 2016 15:26:55 +0000 Yep, traction beats everything else.

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By: Rodolfo Rosini Mon, 14 Mar 2016 11:30:12 +0000 As a serial entrepreneur that has raised 4 times (including post dotcom crash and post Lehman crash), have had 2 exits, went throughTechStars with my latest, have deep domain expertise, I think that everything you list is additive and the only force multiplier is traction.

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By: Abdulhamid Hassan Mon, 14 Mar 2016 05:43:43 +0000 serial entrepreneurs like sean parker ? remember he created and its dog shit now.. I think the serial entrepreneur hype is just nonsense. Am not saying it doesn’t help but people shouldn’t capitalize on that

Look at google founders or zuckerberg.

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By: Alex Iskold Sun, 13 Mar 2016 19:49:08 +0000 David, thank you for the comment, and I am sorry to hear you wasted time. The good news is now you learned and hopefully it will be a better route for you going forward.


By: Alex Iskold Sun, 13 Mar 2016 19:48:10 +0000 Thank you for the feedback Val. I think a lot of the dynamic comes from how different investors make money. Understanding this is critical for the founders. Making money in early stage is just difficult which is why investors appear to be conservative. It is easy to lose money, but hard to make money.


By: David Sun, 13 Mar 2016 17:43:38 +0000 Alex, great article. The content is indicative of the current funding environment – when the funding environment is tighter #RIPgoodtimes, investors are much more selective.

We experienced the pitfalls of not having everyone of your points neatly checked and presentable. So we ended up wasting a bunch of time when we should have been addressing each one methodically which we are doing now and meetings are much more effective now.

Funding is ultimately a game to be played, so learn the rules, gather the tools, and practice being cool.

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By: Val Tsanev (@tsanev1980) Sun, 13 Mar 2016 16:01:55 +0000 The problem with all these investors who don’t want to fund first time founders is that Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk at one point were all first time founders and if the smart investors did not give them the capital to scale their first businesses, there is a question if they would have gotten to create all these amazing companies as serial entrepreneurs. Also I disagree on the education point, investors should invest not only in execution but in education as well, nobody knows everything and the founders who do not learn all the time/constantly should not be funded, so actually I would argue the opposite is true: smart investors invest not only in execution but in education as well and that has nothing to do with being the entrepreneurs’ parents it is a whole different dynamic. Generally there is a massive misalignment of interests between investors and entrepreneurs, in most cases when investors want to invest entrepreneurs don’t need their capital since they have found product/market fit and when entrepreneurs actually need the capital investors usually are not interested investing since there is still inherent risk in the deal. Simply put everyone wants to have the cake and eat it too!

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