Comments on: Inbox 0 Thoughts on Tech Startups and Venture Capital Fri, 18 Mar 2016 00:44:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: alexiskold Tue, 01 Apr 2014 19:52:01 +0000 Great tips, Kelly!! Thanks for sharing.


By: Kelly Taylor (@ktinboulder) Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:43:17 +0000 Thanks Alex, this is another great post that helps me take action.

Additional tips:

* I use mailboxapp to send newsletter type emails to “Later Today”. I’ll read those on the eve commute.
* I fwd emails to evernote that I need to organize and store as reference.
* I’ve uncoupled personal and work email, focusing only on work email during most days and sifting through personal email every few days.


By: 7 Calendar Tips for Startups | Alex Iskold Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:41:12 +0000 […] This is the most important tip in the whole post. Email will own you unless you own it. To own your email you must avoid doing it all the time. To do that you need to schedule the time to do your email. It is absolutely a must. In fact it is so important that I wrote a whole entire blog post just about managing your email. Go read Inbox 0. […]


By: Gillian Morris (@gillianim) Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:15:39 +0000 makes it really easy to mass unsubscribe from emails – I discovered I was on close to 800 lists. I also use Boomerang for Gmail, which allows you to mark things to re-surface at some point you determine in the future.


By: Siena Witte (@siwitte) Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:01:54 +0000 Love this post! This is definitely a way I want to start approaching emails. I’m a student so I don’t get nearly as many as you do (maybe 20-30 a day, total) but it’s still a mental drain. Over the past year I’ve done two things that I think have helped: 1) switched to Mailbox. It’s designed to help users approach email like a to do list with a goal of inbox 0. 2) actually unsubscribing from annoying lists before I delete them. It takes some time but it’s a good habit I’ve built.

Thanks for this breakdown of your daily email system- super helpful!

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